• Custom Moulds, Casting and Workshops

  • By CTW
  • April 4, 2017

Couples Life Casting

Couples Life Casting | Claire Tennant Workshop

Couples Life Casting

Couples Life Casting 600 383 CTW

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Casting couples for life.

Couples Life Casting - Claire Tennant WorkshopCouples life casting is the moulding of two lovers intertwined limbs (think holding hands). From the mould I am able to make a cast from a range of different materials.

If you are looking for a creative idea for a table centrepiece for your wedding day, or a special way to keep your love on the mantle piece a couple’s cast might be the way.
As a couple you might like to decorate and paint a plaster cast together. Perhaps a bronze statue of your intertwined fingers appeals to you? Couple’s life castings are custom made and tailored to suit you.

A unique gift idea.

A couple’s hand cast is a beautiful way to preserve your relationship and love. Not just for newlyweds it is a commemorative keepsake you might want to get made of your Parents or Grandparents for a special wedding anniversary.
Traditional wedding anniversary gifts include:

  • Copper for the 7th year
  • Bronze for 8th year
  • Pottery for 9th year
  • Tin/Aluminium for 10th year

A couple’s cast can be made from each of these materials and all achieved from a single mould.

What do you get the couple that have everything? Are you looking for a way to turn the impersonal cash in an envelope engagement/wedding gift into something else? A gift voucher for a couple’s life casting session could be that special unique gift idea you’ve been looking for.
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