• Custom Moulds, Casting and Workshops

  • By CTW
  • September 13, 2019

Pre mastectomy breast mould | A unique way to heal

Pre mastectomy breast mould | Claire Tennant Workshop

Pre mastectomy breast mould | A unique way to heal

Pre mastectomy breast mould | A unique way to heal 600 383 CTW

Recently a wonderful and brave client of mine appeared on channel Nine’s This Time Next Year. Teresa was about to undergo mastectomy surgery and I was honoured to provide her with a mould and cast of her breasts before she underwent cancer treatment.

Pre-mastectomy Breast Moulds | Claire Tennant Workshop

Moulding and casting allows for something to be captured in a way unlike a photo. A pre-mastectomy breast mould session provides a unique way for a woman to start to heal. It assists with addressing the mental impact that is associated with undergoing such a treatment, which requires attention along with the physical.

Teresa is just one of the few women battling breast cancer I have been privileged to work with in recent times. I am glad that my skills can help women through this journey and provide them with a positive experience throughout all the pain they are going through.

Some have told me they wanted to capture the moment in time as they hoped for a better outcome after surgery; and some have captured their pre surgery body knowing that after there would be nothing left. Some women have proudly displayed their battle scars on the wall, and others have chosen to keep them private. Everyone heals in their own way and should be supported in doing so.

I feel grateful to have been a part of these women’s stories, and in some small way have made a difference.

If you think this service is something that could benefit you, please get in touch. I offer this service as cheaply as possible due to the sensitive nature of the circumstances.

You can view Teresa’s story here.

Donations can also be made to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.